Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf LLP can help with all your legal needs regarding family law matters in New Jersey. To learn more about the family law issues that matter to you, we invite you to follow the links below:
- Family Law Practice Overview
- Do grandparents have visitation rights?
- What if a parent wants to leave New Jersey with the children?
- How is child custody determined in New Jersey?
- Does it help my divorce if my spouse cheated on me?
- How does a New Jersey court determine for how long alimony is to be paid?
- How does a court determine whether alimony should be awarded?
- When can I stop paying child support in New Jersey?
- Are there any specific factors to be considered in the determination of child support?
- Family Law Commercial
Backed by over 90 years of institutional knowledge, experience and professionalism, our family law attorneys know the law — and they can help. Contact us online or call 201-845-9600 today to find out how. From our office in Saddle Brook, our lawyers help clients in state and federal courts throughout northern New Jersey.