The day a child is born is one of the most life changing events of a person’s life. In some cases, complications arise, leaving lasting effects on a child. When those complications are because of the negligence or mistake of a medical professional, new parents need to consider the implications to their family’s future. One of the most serious birth injuries a child can endure is called Erb’s palsy.
Though not every case is preventable, there are many that are. Erb’s palsy can leave a child with partial or complete paralysis of an arm. If your child was injured during birth and it was the fault of a medical professional, you could recover damages that can relieve the burden of future staggering medical bills. If you need a compassionate firm to assess your case, contact Cohn Lifland today.
What Is Erb’s Palsy?
Erb’s palsy is a condition that is caused by the improper maneuvering and stretching of a child’s arm and shoulder during birth. In some cases of a difficult childbirth, a child can endure nerve damage when the head and neck are pulled toward the side as the shoulder passes through the birth canal. It can also be caused by extreme pulling on the shoulder during a delivery, pressure on a raised arm during a breech or failure to use the proper techniques when delivery is delayed due to failure to advance in the birth canal.
Consequences Of Erb’s Palsy
Some babies can recover on their own. Though many will have to have medical care to fix the problem, if possible. There is a variety of specialist interventions that can assist in the recovery of serious cases. For most children, they may face decades of discomfort and pain, countless hours of rehabilitation, and years of enduring the effects of the birth injury. This condition could impact the quality of life for a child, including barring them from many occupations. For the parents, they may face staggering medical bills and years of tending to the needs of a child with Erb’s palsy. When these cases could have been avoided, it is important to consider the legal options available in order to make one whole and hold the negligent party responsible.
Contact Cohn Lifland
Cohn Lifland understands the lasting effects of a birth injury. Though not all can be avoided, it is important for parents to consider the future when the injury was at the hands of a negligent medical professional. If you believe that your child’s injuries were caused by a mistake during birth, you should contact a law firm as soon as possible. Children with Erb’s palsy need major medical intervention and our firm can protect you from overwhelming medical bills so you can focus on the health of your child.
Our attorneys can effectively represent your needs and ease your stress. These can be tough times and we are here to assist. If you need quality legal services, contact Cohn Lifland online or call us at 201-845-9600. From our office in Saddle Brook, our lawyers help clients throughout northern New Jersey.